"I like the FAVRES because it links cognition with communication tasks that tap important functions in everyday living - like identifying main elements of a verbal description and presenting them to someone else in a logical sequence, or organizing written information within certain constraints. The person actually performs the actions in addition to talking about what they would do so it gives information on knowledge vs. performance (a useful distinction in patients with frontal lobe injury)."
Lyn Turkstra, Ph.D.
Department of Communicative Disorders
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, U.S.A.
"Wow! What an amazing feeling, to find a standardized test that fills such an enormous gap in our assessment protocols! The FAVRES will revolutionize SLPs’ assessment of this critical area. This test should not only be in every ABI clinician’s hands, it should be included in every university’s course on cognitive-communication disorders. Thank you, Sheila, for having the foresight and perseverance to bring this test to fruition and dramatically improve the quality of our ABI assessments! "
Justine Lear Hamilton, M.Cl.Sc. SLP(C) Reg. CASLPO
Lear Communication, Kitchener and Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
"I really like the FAVRES and was quite surprised at how it revealed subtle flaws that are not always apparent in a structured rehab setting where planning, organizing and reasoning are not required. The FAVRES was helpful in planning therapy activities. The tasks are reality based and the findings help families to understand the deficits. Clients can see that the FAVRES tasks are relevant to their daily lives"
Mary Pole, SLP (C) Reg CASLPO
The Rehabilitation Centre, Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
"The FAVRES demonstrates cognitive-communication difficulties in higher-level clients better than any other test in our assessment battery. I find that the interactive style of the test helps me to note qualitative aspects of discourse, pragmatics, and executive functioning efficiently and effectively. It is important that the FAVRES provides us with norms for aspects of verbal reasoning that we always observed clinically but could not quantify on other standardized tests. The fact that the FAVRES is well researched in its development provides us with the careful balance of theory and functional application that clinicians require."
Catherine Wiseman-Hakes, M.Sc.
Neuro Rehab Services Inc., University of Toronto
"The FAVRES fills a huge gap in the assessment battery of individuals with cognitive communication disorders. We now have a standardized tool that measures our clients' abilities on real, everyday tasks! The subtle difficulties that our clients experience on a daily basis can now be objectively observed and analyzed. I have nothing but high praise for the FAVRES!"
Monique A. Lugli, M.Sc. S-LP Reg. CASLPO
Director, Community Rehab North, North Bay, Ontario, Canada